Gradual update of all applications using WinGet and custom Azure ring groups


8 min read

Today I will show you how to make the process of updating apps in your company as easy as possible ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

We will use:

  • WinGet to update the applications

  • Intune to distribute Winget-AutoUpdate tool

  • Custom Azure "ring" groups to make the update gradual

    • by assigning the Winget-AutoUpdate package with different update settings to these "ring" groups
  • Azure Automation to keep our "ring" group members up to date

The application doesn't have to be installed via WinGet to be updatable using WinGet ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • Free (or with like 0,5 USD/month)

  • This can be set&forget solution (but check the caveats section) that will update every supported application

  • You can use whitelist or blacklist approach for updating the apps (a.k.a. not all apps have to be updated)

  • The update of applications will be carried out in waves (controlled via ring groups). This way, you will have the opportunity to stop the update process or exclude problematic apps if any problems arise in the testing ring group.


  • Only installed software that WinGet "knows", can be updated (to get known packages, run winget list command on your command)

  • You need to trust WinGet packages (who are the WinGet maintainers?). At least to have a hassle-free solution. Another option would be to have some automated check for the WinGet package manifest files to see whether installers are downloading from the correct URLs

    • Unfortunately, there is nothing like "verified" publishers in the WinGet still
  • Not all WinGet packages are top-notch quality. It happened to me that some installer wasn't running silently. Instead, GUI was shown, which could be confusing for your users and can lead to not updating the apps. Also in some cases, it can happen that the old version is not uninstalled automatically

  • Because set&forget ideology, there is no option to control the version apps should be updated to. That's the main reason for using "ring" groups. To be able to react to potential issues before main groups of users get the update.


  • Be an Intune administrator

    • to be able to create and deploy packages
  • Be an Azure administrator

    • to be able to create groups and Azure Automation Runbook and to assign the Graph API permissions

      • Azure Automation can be replaced by on-premises Scheduled task
  • Windows clients managed through the Intune

  • Be OK to use the community Winget-AutoUpdate tool

    • can be done without it, but this offers several nice features like Mods, etc and you can easily check its source code to make sure it is clean

Steps to make this solution work

Set up Azure "ring" groups and Automation to manage them

Follow the steps mentioned in the post How to create your own autopatch-like "ring" groups in Azure using Azure Automation and PowerShell to create all required Azure groups ("root" and "ring") plus the automation (that will manage the group members based on the given criteria).

For our particular use case check details below about what groups you should create.

Root group

Create Azure group with just a few devices for testing purposes only.

When you test this solution enough, fill this group with rest of your client devices.

The only important thing is that you can't mix user and device accounts in this group! But the group can contain other groups (recursive search is supported)

Ring groups

A "ring" groups will be used for assignment when deploying the Winget-AutoUpdate updating tool package.

Every package will deploy the tool with a different update frequency configuration.

This is how we make the update process gradual ๐Ÿ˜Ž!

There are several update frequency settings available right now (Daily (Default), BiDaily, Weekly, BiWeekly, Monthly or Never (check the UpdatesInterval parameter for more details)

Hence if for example, you want to test the updates in four waves (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly), create four Azure "ring" groups.

It is a good idea to specify the update frequency in the group name, to make it easier to identify the group purpose later (TIP: the group description will be automatically set using our automation)

Create the groups as security and with manually assigned members (don't add any members now!).

Make a note of each created group and its ID. We will need this when setting up the Azure automation.

Create & deploy Intune Win32App packages for deploying the Winget-AutoUpdate tool

One last step in our journey is to create Intune apps for deploying the Winget-AutoUpdate tool and assign these apps to our "ring" groups.

One Intune app should be created for every update ring. The only thing these apps will differ is the set update frequency.

Thanks to the Winget-AutoUpdate tool parameter UpdatesInterval we can have only one physical Win32App package and just use different Intune installation commands ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

Create the Win32App package

  • Download the newest stable version of the Winget-AutoUpdate tool (

  • Unzip to the new folder Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded

  • Move file excluded_apps.txt out to a different folder

  • Create Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded.intunewin package from the Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded folder (how?)

Create Intune app

  • Create new Windows app (win32) and as a package use Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded.intunewin created in the previous step

  • Package name should contain used update frequency (for example Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded (BiWeekly)) for easy differentiation

  • The install command will be: "%systemroot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "Winget-AutoUpdate-Install.ps1" -Silent -DoNotUpdate -DisableWAUAutoUpdate -InstallUserContext -NotificationLevel <NotificationLevel> -UpdatesInterval <UpdatesInterval> -ListPath <PathToYourBlackListFile>

    • <NotificationLevel> replace by Full, Success or None. At least from the start when there will be a lot of apps updated it is a good idea to select None to minimize the users distraction

    • <UpdatesInterval> replace by Daily, BiDaily, Weekly, BiWeekly or Monthly based on the "ring" package you are creating right now

    • <PathToYourBlackListFile> replace by URL where the excluded_apps.txt file is hosted (check Tips & tricks section for more details)

    • ๐Ÿ’ก
      There are other useful parameters like ModsPath
  • The Uninstall command will be "%systemroot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file "C:\ProgramData\Winget-AutoUpdate\WAU-Uninstall.ps1"

  • The detection script will be similar to this

    •       # required values
            $RequiredUpdatesInterval = "<replace>" # "Daily", "BiDaily", "Weekly", "BiWeekly", "Monthly", "Never"
            $RequiredDisplayVersion = "<replace>" # 1.19.1
            $RequiredNotificationLevel = "<replace>" # "Full", "SuccessOnly", "None"
            Start-Sleep 30
            $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
            #region configured values
            $WAURegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Winget-AutoUpdate\"
            try {
                $InstallLocation = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $WAURegPath -Name "InstallLocation"
                $UpdatesInterval = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $WAURegPath -Name "WAU_UpdatesInterval"
                $DisplayVersion = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $WAURegPath -Name "DisplayVersion"
                $NotificationLevel = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $WAURegPath -Name "WAU_NotificationLevel"
            } catch {
                throw "WAU not installed"
            try {
                $UseWhiteList = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $WAURegPath -Name "WAU_UseWhiteList"
            } catch {
                $UseWhiteList = $false
            #endregion configured values
            if (($UpdatesInterval -eq $RequiredUpdatesInterval) -and ($NotificationLevel -eq $RequiredNotificationLevel) -and !$UseWhiteList -and [version]$DisplayVersion -ge [version]$RequiredDisplayVersion -and $InstallLocation -and (Test-Path $InstallLocation) -and (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Winget-AutoUpdate") -and (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Winget-AutoUpdate-Notify")) {
                return "WAU is installed"
            } else {
                throw "WAU not installed"
    • Don't forget to replace the following variables to match your setup $RequiredUpdatesInterval, $RequiredDisplayVersion, $RequiredNotificationLevel!

At the end of the day, you should have something similar in your Intune app list

Deploy Intune app

Now when all necessary Intune apps are created, assign each of them as required to the corresponding Azure "ring" group.

In my case app Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded (BiWeekly) is assigned to the group _testo_ring_biweekly, Winget-AutoUpdate_AllButExcluded (Monthly) app is assigned to the group _testo_ring_monthly etc.


If you successfully finished all the previous steps, you should now have a working solution for updating your company clients apps.

Created Azure Automation Runbook will rebalance your clients across the Azure ring groups and based on this, WinGet-AutoUpdate Intune package will be installed on the group members and will update the client apps according the schedule set in the package installation command.

Tips & tricks

Saving app exclude list to the cloud

Winget-AutoUpdate has one super cool feature and that is the option to place the exclude list (excluded_apps.txt) online (check the ListPath parameter). This way whenever an update is being run, the exclude list will be downloaded hence the changes made in this list are immediately applied. This is very useful in case, we have a problem with some app update. Just exclude the app by adding its WinGet ID to this list and remove it once again when a new, fixed version is available in the WinGet repository.

If you want to save your excluded_apps.txt to the Azure DevOps public repository this is how you can find the URL for ListPath parameter:

  • Place the excluded_apps.txt file to your public DevOps repository

  • In your browser open the folder (Repos\Files\<Repository>\...) where you store the file (URL has to target folder, not directly the excluded_apps.txt !)

  • Open browser Developer tools (F12)

  • Search for "<nameOfYourOrganization>"

  • URL you are looking for should be in this format<nameOfYourOrganization>/<projectId>/_apis/git/repositories/<repositoryId>/Items?path=/ (in case the file is in the repository root)

  • Use found URL for ListPath parameter

What should I do when the updated app version causes troubles

If you are hosting excluded_apps.txt "in the cloud" (public git repository, azure blob storage, etc), just add the Winget ID of this specific app to this file.

  • Winget-AutoUpdate tool will automatically skip this app when invoked next time.

  • When the new "fixed" app version is released. Remove the ID from the excluded_apps.txt file.

According to the affected clients. It depends on the situation, your environment and solution can vary. But in general, you need to remove the app and install the last working one.

Using wildcards in the exclusion list

In your excluded_apps.txt you can use wildcard * to exclude all matching apps.

This feature is available since the 1.20.0 version of the Winget-AutoUpdate tool.

Debugging the app updates

Check the logs

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